Saturday, November 9, 2019

Europe’s Great Defender: Viktor Orbán and Christian Democracy

Europe’s Great Defender: Viktor Orbán and Christian Democracy

So the first issue which arouses interest is migration. As I see it, in 2015 an invasion set out for Europe. From the very beginning one could see that nine out of ten migrants were not refugees, but economic migrants. Whoever claims that this couldn’t be known is not telling the truth: it was possible to see this clearly, and every European leader knew it. In 2015 I saw that there were leaders in Europe who were going to ruin the European way of life, European culture, and through this the European economy. I always knew that the Left has an intellectual conception which uses migration in its service and in its interest. The Left’s intellectual conception is that Europe should move beyond the age of nations and Christianity, and that the continent should step into a post-national, post-Christian age. And in the conception of the Left, the mission of Brussels and the European Union is to assist this transition. In opposition to this, and confronting this conception, the Right speaks about an alliance of nations.

One of the most exciting aspects of Mr. Orbán’s political philosophy is his unabashed reference to its Christianity. Furthermore, what he calls Hungary’s “Christian democratic economic model” is proving very successful. In 2010 unemployment in Hungary stood at 12 per cent; in 2019 it’s only 3.5 per cent. State debt was 85 per cent of GDP in 2010; now it’s under 70 per cent and falling. The budget deficit was always above 3 per cent but now it’s between 1 and 2 per cent. Economic growth in Hungary is between 4 and 5 per cent, and wages are rising at a rate of 8 to 10 per cent. “Poverty is falling dramatically,” Mr. Orbán stated, “and the middle class is continuously expanding.” With this array of economic successes to his name, it is little surprise that Mr. Orbán and his government have the support of the Hungarian people, as shown in the past three election results.

Mr. Orbán explained that the model for his country’s success was the foundation of a new Christian constitution, which was adopted in 2011. “We used our two-thirds parliamentary majority to write a new Christian constitution with two-thirds majority support,” he explained. “And in order for everyone to understand its essence we adopted this constitution at Easter.” He then proceeded to read selected passages from the new constitution, commencing with the following declaration of Hungary’s Christian heritage and its place within Christian Europe: We are proud that our king Saint Stephen built the Hungarian state on solid ground and made our country a part of Christian Europe one thousand years ago. We are proud of our forebears who fought for the survival, freedom and independence of our country. We are proud that our nation has over the centuries defended Europe in a series of struggles, and enriched Europe’s common values with its talent and diligence. We recognise the role of Christianity in preserving nationhood. 

Having enunciated the principles of the new Christian constitution as the very foundation of his government’s policies, he then spoke of the “three pillars which support our system.” The first is the family, “which must be defended and which clearly can only be the union of one man and one woman,” and which is seen and valued from the perspective of children. In accordance with this child-friendly and pro-life approach to marriage and the family, Mr. Orbán’s government has instituted a family support system, including tax allowances. Women who have had four children, regardless of whether the children are now adults, are exempt from income tax for the rest of their lives. As if this were not a radical enough measure, Mr. Orbán stated that he is now working to extend the tax exemption to women who have had three children. “We provide loans for people starting a family, and if children are born these loans do not have to be paid back.” School textbooks, crèches, kindergartens, and school meals are free. “Despite this,” Mr. Orbán says, “I cannot say that things are as they should be. I can’t say that. Despite this, things are not as they should be in Hungary, because it’s still the case that far fewer children are being born than are needed. And I dare not tell you that we shall definitely be successful in reversing this negative trend; but I can definitely say that if we don’t act with that aim in mind, it will never be reversed. And I’m not willing to support a policy which seeks to correct the shortfall in children being born by bringing in migrants. The best migrant is one’s own child.”
The featured image is a photograph of Viktor Orbán, courtesy of Wikimedia Commons. Taken from the EU2017EE Estonian Presidency Flickr account, this photo is licensed under CC BY 2.0.
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