Monday, September 6, 2010

Medjugorje - Apparition to Ivan at Blue Cross - Spet. 6, 2010

Our Lady Tonight: Accept and renew My messages

The apparition of Our Lady tonight, Monday September 6, 2010, to Medjugorje visionary Ivan took place at the Blue Cross on Apparition Mountain. After a rain earlier today, the temperature cooled a little and the light of day faded into darkness. Clouds cleared and the stars began to shine out in the night sky. Pilgrims began to gather around 7:00 P.M. and even earlier, and rosaries and singing preceded the apparition. Our Lady appeared to Ivan around 10:00 P.M. Below is Ivan’s description of the apparition:

Ivan’s Description of the Apparition at the Blue Cross September 6, 2010

Our Lady came very joyful and happy and at the beginning, as always, She greeted us all with Her Motherly greeting, “Praised be Jesus, My dear children.” Our Lady then immediately said:

“Dear children, also today, the Mother calls you with joy, accept and renew my messages. Dear children, I desire to continue to lead you, but today I desire to call you to live what I am giving you – so that I can give you new messages and to lead you through these messages – to lead you to My Son. Know that the Mother is with you and intercedes for all of you before Her Son and also today, desires to say thank you for having accepted Me and My messages and for living My messages.”

Our Lady then for a while, with Her arms extended, prayed over all of us here. She prayed over the sick present and She blessed us all with Her Motherly blessing. She also blessed the religious articles brought for blessing. I recommended also all of you, your needs, your intentions, your families and especially the sick. Our Lady then continued to pray over all of us with Her arms extended and She left in that prayer, in an illuminated Sign of the Cross saying, “Go in peace, My dear children.”

Our Lady’s apparition to Ivan lasted over 8 minutes
Though they cannot be seen, 1000’s of pilgrims spread across the rock strewn area. Sixty to seventy-five buses delivered people while many more walked to the Blue Cross. Tonight’s message reminds us of a similar message Our Lady gave 21 years ago. It was also during Ivan’s Prayer Group on Apparition Mountain. Our Lady said:

June 26, 1989
"Dear children, your Mother told you yesterday to renew the messages from now on. Your Mother asks, especially from you of the group of prayer, to live from now on the messages in prayer. If you want your Mother to give other and new messages, you first have to live those messages I have already given."

We could never have imagined in June of 1989, we would be still going to the mountain in 2010 to encounter Our Lady. Nor could we possibly have the imagination of what condition the state of the world would be in. We now understand the reason for Her coming. The world is in danger. Our Lady said:
November 29, 1981
"It is necessary for the world to be saved while there is still time…”
From Medjugorje
With Love,
'A Friend of Medjugorje'

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