Saturday, April 28, 2012

Sky View: The Monastery: A Lighthouse for Civilization and the Church

Sky View: The Monastery: A Lighthouse for Civilization and the Church
Time and time again the Catholic Church herself had benefited from monastics such as St. John the Baptist, St. Anthony the Great, St. Benedict, St. Patrick, Pope St. Gregory the Great, Pope St. Gregory VII, St. Boniface, St. Francis, St. Clare, Pope St. Pius V, St. Catherine of Sienna, St. Theresa of Avila and St. Therese the Little Flower. From the mountain of spiritual solitude came forth rivers of life, renewal and innovation. The monastery, convent and friary were lighthouses of society and spiritual vigor for the Church. When Christians were spiritually lethargic, when the pastoral practices of bishops and priests needed reform, and when the Mystical Body of Christ was not showing forth the fullness of her splendor, saintly men and women from monastic backgrounds- those who knew the discipline of prayer –stepped up and pointed everyone in the right direction; that is, towards Christ and towards heaven.

1 comment:

  1. I just stumbled upon your site with Google - loving it!

    I totally agree that monasticism is often a 'safe house' for Catholicism during times of strife.
    In fact, I think that one of the saddest movements in recent times has been the huge amount of orders which are no longer in monasteries - or even in community! It seems to me that many priests, nuns and brothers who are AGAINST the authority of the Church are a result of this over-secularisation.

    God bless you and your efforts,
